The Application Process:
Credit: We run a credit report through a credit agency to determine credit worthiness, (we understand the situation in our current economy and take that into consideration when reviewing a credit report).
Occupancy Standard: The occupancy standard is two people per bedroom.
Pets: Pets are to the owner’s discression. It is different on each property we manage.
Rental History: We will verify your current and past rental history.
Identification: We require a valid drivers license and social security card and a copy of both documents for our files, prior to signing a lease.
How to Submit an Application:
Complete the Application: It is important that you complete all sections of the rental application. We will not process an incomplete application.
Application Fee: The application fee is $50.00 per person over the age of 18. We will not begin processing the application until the fee has been received. The application fee is non-refundable.
Application Processing Time: Typically it takes 48 hours to process an application. Please respond quickly to any requests that we may have for information to complete this process.
Fair Housing Policy: “It is unlawful and a violation of our company policy to discriminate against any person based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, handicap, or familial status, or refuse to show, rent, negotiate, or otherwise make unavailable any rental property.